1 | 操作 Operating | 用手柄更容易操作,同样也可以用蜗轮、电动、气动、液动,它们用于更艰难的环境下。 Extended lever for easy opera on A so avalable wih gear ng motor actua to, pneumalicorhydauic actual ors for more dff cult services, |
2 | 阀体-阀盖 BODY&BONNET | 不采3片式12“以下的阀体、阀盖,用这种结构更方便于外部零件的修理和替换。 Spltor3pece, splt body Sb omnet for 12*8SmalDisassembleseasiy for re par or replacement of i rte maf compone rs |
3 | 通径 BORE | 全通径和缩径全通径适用于大的流置介质,也可清扫管路。 Ful Bore or Reduced Bore.Fu-bore design prov des except on al flowcontrol |
4 | 连接方式 End Connections | 可采用法兰连接、环连接、对接焊件。 A choice of Fanged,RTJ flanged or Buttweidng end for piping flexiblity |
5 | 填料 Packing | 标准填料一般采用特氟龙材质,保证填料在高循环的压缩和严峻的操作环境下,石墨填料适合高温条件下使用。 STD Packing M utp leV-TEFLON packing comnedwthveloadngmantans pack ng compression under high cyd le and severe se ice appl ca tons Graphite packing uses tua or for high Hemp era ure. |
6 | 阀杆防脱 BPS | 防止阀杆脱落,一个压力安全的阀杆设计应该是有防脱结构,在正常压力下不需飞出。 Bio w-out Proof Stem Aprs sure-safe stem shoulder desgn that protects against fa lure under excess pressure |
7 | 静电弹簧 AS | 这种连接总是在球体和阀杆/阀体之间运动卸载, 终在操作时静止。 Anti Stai cAme tac contact saiwaysgranledbetweanbal and stam body to discharge evertualsttcsbuldop durg service. |
8 | 防火标志 FD | 根据API 607或BS 6755来设计, 确保他们在发生火尖时的操作适用性, 其次金属密封面当主要的密封面被火破坏时就像是一层隔离墙, 符合API 607的阀门带石墨填料和垫片。 FreD ura bieDeinedtoAPI07orBS 6755 to grant their opera ions uab ity in case offre, Soc ondary meta Home all seal ads as backup if pr mary seal is destroyed by fre.Valves ord dered for complancewihAPL607wilbe provided with graph te packing and gaskes |